
Artificial Intelligence Work shop at KLE BBA College Hubli

Advanced Executive Program

4.9 Google Ratings


Trained Students

Experienced Trainers

Minimum 3+ Years of Working Experience

Guaranteed Placement

Unlimited interview opportunities

Artificial Intelligence Work shop at KLE BBA College Hubli.

This Work shop was conducted with 5th-semester BBA students of KLE BBA College Hubli. It was a wonderful experience for us as well as for the trainer to take this course and deliver it up to the mark. 1 Day session of 5 hours seminar.
Here in this training, the topics that were covered

  • Overview of Artificial Intelligence
  • Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  • Subset of Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • AI vs ML vs DL
  • What makes Artificial Intelligence so popular?

Here are some photos of our workshop at KLE BBA College Hubli

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    Designed and Developed By : DharwadHubballitutor
    All rights reserved to : DharwadHubballitutor